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Break Out of Old Patterns to Have a Successful Relationship

​Many couples could do with couples counseling, but it's not something that they consider going in for. This might be because they don't want to share what's going on in their marriage/relationship with a third person. Maybe they feel embarrassed about th…
Many couples could do with couples counseling, but it's not something that they consider going in for. This might be because they don't want to share what's going on in their……

PTSD Symptoms Do Not Always Arise From Combat

​Many people seem to believe that only veterans of war can suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the traumatic nature of battle, but this simply isn't true. War is not the only traumatic experience a person can have. Trauma can be experienced …
Many people seem to believe that only veterans of war can suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to the traumatic nature of battle, but this simply isn't true. War is no……

Couples Counseling: Working Through Circumstances Together

​People can be very complex creatures full of feelings and emotions that tend to change from time to time. Love is a topic that has its own complexities as well. When complex creatures are mixed with the complexities of love, there are bound to be some di…
People can be very complex creatures full of feelings and emotions that tend to change from time to time. Love is a topic that has its own complexities as well. When complex ……

Addressing Barriers to Getting Counseling for Depression

Dealing with depression is hard. Maybe you've recently been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. Perhaps you don't have an official diagnosis, but life has you feeling down. Whatever the reason, getting one on one therapy from a licensed professional…
Dealing with depression is hard. Maybe you've recently been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. Perhaps you don't have an official diagnosis, but life has you feeling down……