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Helping a Spouse Who Suffers from Anxiety

When a spouse suffers from anxiety it can put a distinct strain on the relationship and cause unwanted tension or frustration from both parties. Here are some methods on how a spouse or loved one can help those dealing with anxiety.
Anxiety symptoms can be overwhelming for those who suffer from it. It can be complicated for many to understand it too, especially if you are from the outside looking in. Bei……

Reasons to Seek Counseling While Taking Antidepressants

​Prescription antidepressants are now a safe and common way to treat depression. Anyone taking antidepressants should be doing so under the care of a doctor who monitors dosage, symptoms, and side effects. In addition to being under a doctor's care, here …
Prescription antidepressants are now a safe and common way to treat depression. Anyone taking antidepressants should be doing so under the care of a doctor who monitors dosage……

The Importance Of A Good Therapist

Therapy is an essential step in finding a way out of depression. The symptoms of depression can affect not only the individual experiencing them but the entire family unit as well. The goal of the therapist is to alleviate the suffering caused by depressi…
Therapy is an essential step in finding a way out of depression. The symptoms of depression can affect not only the individual experiencing them but the entire family unit as well……

Learning to Live With PTSD

PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is something that affects many people. Often, when we hear PTSD we think of war veterans, and while war veterans are subject to PTSD, anyone who has experienced a terrifying or traumatic event could have PTSD. Therap…
PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is something that affects many people. Often, when we hear PTSD we think of war veterans, and while war veterans are subject to PTSD, a……