Welcome back to the second half of our two-part series on how counseling can help you through the hardest time in your life. Last time, we covered how difficult it can be to deal with laving home or when your loved ones make painful decisions that you'd l…
Welcome back to the second half of our two-part series on how
counseling can help you through the hardest time in your
life. Last time, we covered how difficult it can be to d……
By seeing a therapist, a person who suffers from PTSD-like symptoms can learn new coping strategies, begin to comprehend what has happened, and compartmentalize the pieces of the event and how they can fit into the life they are already leading. Mental he…
Stress Disorder (PTSD) arises when an individual has been through an
event that their mind and body can not comprehend or cope
with using its usual coping pro……
What narrative therapy aims to do is help the person with PTSD take ownership of what happened to them. With a trusted therapist as their guide, they learn to make a space for their story, how to piece together the details so that they aren't suddenly hit…
it be the sound of fireworks, the intersection where a car accident
occurred, or a scar; many people with PTSD live with reminders of the
thing that ever hap……
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of mental health therapy that helps individuals intentionally use their thoughts to guide their feelings and behaviors. This approach focuses on helping individuals first become aware of unproductive thoughts, …
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type
of mental health therapy that helps individuals intentionally
use their thoughts to guid……