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Couples Counseling for New Parents

As if it isn't bad enough that the new parents are stressed, sleep deprived, and starting to resent each other, often times the couple are too tired and short on time to even bother with working on their marriage. Thus, the romance inevitably dies, commun…
When a couple brings home a new baby and become a family, things aren't always full of joy. The responsibility of raising a child together and the endless nights full of s……

Anxiety; When It's Helpful and When To Get Help

Anxiety is a fact of life, and it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Sometimes anxiety can be a great benefit; it can heighten our senses in situations that could become dangerous. It can also help you meet a deadline for work or school. Anxiety can be a hel…
Anxiety is a fact of life, and it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Sometimes anxiety can be a great benefit; it can heighten our senses in situations that could become dang……

Couples Counseling and Marriage

Most married couples attend marriage counseling as the last resort to the end of their union together. This misconception of marriage counseling is that counseling is only a tool to use to work out problems to save the marriage before a divorce. Counselor…
Most married couples attend marriage counseling as the last resort to the end of their union together. This misconception of marriage counseling is that counseling is only……

How Family Therapy Can Help You Build a Healthy Attachment with Your Child

The relationship you develop with your child is a crucial predictor of his successful development. All children form attachments with their caregivers in the first few years of life, and this attachment is representative of how the child feels about her c…
The relationship you develop with your child is a crucial predictor of his successful development. All children form attachments with their caregivers in the first few year……

How CBT Can Help Your Suicidal Teen

Do you have a depressed teen who has been contemplating or openly discussing suicide? This is a very scary prospect because it can be so unpredictable. Most people who commit suicide do it on a whim or an impulse. As a result, it is important to identify …
Do you have a depressed teen who has been contemplating or openly discussing suicide? This is a very scary prospect because it can be so unpredictable. Most people who comm……