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PTSD and How Talk Therapy Helps

By seeing a therapist, a person who suffers from PTSD-like symptoms can learn new coping strategies, begin to comprehend what has happened, and compartmentalize the pieces of the event and how they can fit into the life they are already leading. Mental he…
PTSD some symptoms of PTSD include… a person who suffers from PTSDng life. For more information on PTSD therapy in the Fresno area and beneficial us

Narrative Therapy and PTSD

What narrative therapy aims to do is help the person with PTSD take ownership of what happened to them. With a trusted therapist as their guide, they learn to make a space for their story, how to piece together the details so that they aren't suddenly hit…
many people with PTSD live with reminders of the worst thing th…ened to them. Those suffering from PTSD are often tempted to avoid thinking

PTSD therapy can Change your Life

Many people suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and are not even aware of it. Any bad experience can cause negative emotions or unwanted remembrances. PTSD symptoms often persist for a long time if treatment is not received. There are many d…
Many people suffer from PTSDces. The most commonly talked about type of PTSD stems from Military Combat. However… abuse or natural disaster can also cause PTSD. In fact

Can Cannabis Assist With PTSD Therapy? Researchers Are Looking Into It

Post-traumatic stress disorder, which has been known in older decades as battle fatigue or shell shock, is a condition that affects people who have experienced, or witnessed, traumatic events. While it is natural for people who have experienced trauma to …
people who develop PTSD can never seem to find their balance. They … and a slew of other symptoms. PTSD is a chronic condition…oked until now. Can Cannabis Treat PTSD

Getting Started With PTSD Therapy

PTSD Therapy can be extremely daunting. You may be unsure where to start when you are already dealing with the stress of past trauma. We provide individual and family therapy in Fresno, Kingsburg, Oakhurst, and Visalia California, including PTSD therapy. …
PTSD Therapy can be extremely daunting. You may b… including PTSD therapy. Therapy can help you overcome some… symptoms of PTSD such as outbursts… or general fear. The steps to getting into PTSD therapy are simple enough and can be follo

PTSD, What It Is and The Path Forward

Months have past since you've experienced the most horrific event of your life, yet you still can't escape the nightmares that haunt you every night, all night. The slightest sights, smells, or sounds can trigger the memory that brings you right back to t…
ould be suffering from a condition known as PTSDtraumatic stress disorder. PTSD is a condition which can sometimes develop…ion people who were or are struggling with PTSD

PTSD Therapy: The Benefits of EMDR

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is caused by a variety of life experiences, from childhood abuse to war. All of the potential causes of PTSD, however, share an important psychological similarity: they trigger the memory of past events. There are many ways …
use to war. All of the potential causes of PTSDs to alleviate the anxiety associated with PTSDR is one of the best available types of PTSD therapy. EMDR is a very unique form

Hope and Healing for Families with PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a sometimes silent affliction that affects many people each year. Often when we think of a person having PTSD, we picture a soldier who served overseas and is now discharged as a veteran. Although veterans are a hi…
PTSDar. Often when we think of a person having PTSDnly one group of people who may experience PTSD in their lifetimes. Victims of physical or…during their formative years may also have PTSD

Understanding PTSD and how Therapy can Help you Heal

If you're afflicted with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) you know all too well the struggles that confront you daily. You live in a world where you feel alone and unsafe. Many people are unable to move forward in their lives after a tragic event. Th…
Understanding PTSD If you…'re afflicted with PTSD you may suffer from PTSD. Trauma There are many types of trauma…months or even years later. When PTSD develops

Learning to Live With PTSD

PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is something that affects many people. Often, when we hear PTSD we think of war veterans, and while war veterans are subject to PTSD, anyone who has experienced a terrifying or traumatic event could have PTSD. Therap…
PTSD or Post… when we hear PTSD we think of war veterans… and while war veterans are subject to PTSD a terrifying or traumatic event could have PTSD. Therapy is a good place to start when it