Blog Search The Benefits of Couples Counseling Why seek couples counseling? After all, the most successful couples are the ones able to handle their issues without professional help, right? Wrong. Seeking therapy doesn't mean your relationship is unable to sustain itself without assistance, nor does i… 3 Tips for When Your Spouse Refuses Couples Counseling It's a common dilemma: you know that attending couples counseling would help you and your spouse learn to communicate better, gain more intimacy, and navigate your relationship issues, but your spouse refuses to consider the idea. I Need You The love is recoverable with the proper perspective and willingness to invest in your relationship what it needs to mature through the tests of time. Do Your Kids Say You Need Couples Therapy? - Pt 1 Kids today are pretty smart. The amount of psychological knowledge that can filter through cultural references and ambient knowledge is surprising. You've probably been expecting to eventually dispense relationship advice to your children, not the other w… Do Your Kids Say You Need Couples Therapy? - Pt 2 Welcome back to the second half of our two-part article on a complex family issue. What do you do if one of your children suggests you need couple's therapy with your spouse? Even if this was said as a joke, it can reveal real concerns about your happines… Is "Happily Ever After" Possible? The answer is yes! There is always hope! However, unlike the fairy tales and movies that told us relationships were easy, rebuilding a relationship is a very difficult thing to do. You have to be willing to work at it, and work hard. Here are some key …