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Treating Depression by Increasing the Levels of Serotonin in the Brain

You may have heard that serotonin fluctuation in the brain leads into depression. It’s possible that your brain may just not be producing enough serotonin. It may also be the case that serotonin is produced but isn’t absorbed by the brain. Serotonin may n…
You may have heard that serotonin fluctuation in the brain leads into depressi…your brain may just not be producing enough serotonin. It may also be the case that serotonin is p

Treating Depression by Increasing the Levels of Serotonin in the Brain—Part II

Is it really possible to increase the levels of serotonin and decrease depression with food? In order to understand this process, you also need to know that serotonin is made by combining tryptophan and tryptophan hydroxylase. You may not directly be able…
Increasing Serotonin Levels with Food Is it really pos…sible to increase the levels of serotonin and decrease depression with food… you also need to know that serotonin is made by combining tryptophan and trypto