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Anxiety Counseling: What Are Your Options?

Everyone experiences anxiety at some level. However, when feelings of self-doubt, apprehension, and nervousness aren’t linked to a particular life event, anxiety can severely impair a person. You don’t have to live with the fear, obsessive thoughts, or in…

Why You Should Consider Anxiety Counseling

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults in the United States are living with anxiety. While only 36.9% of the 40 million individuals receive treatment, anxiety counseling is one of the most effective ways of treat…

Anxiety Counseling for Good and Bad Changes in Your Life

Let's say that you experience some kind of change in your life. Maybe the change is not so good. Obviously, it's going to be tough for you to adjust to this change. But let's also consider what might happen if you experience a good change. Even a good cha…

Helping a Spouse Who Suffers from Anxiety

When a spouse suffers from anxiety it can put a distinct strain on the relationship and cause unwanted tension or frustration from both parties. Here are some methods on how a spouse or loved one can help those dealing with anxiety.

3 Questions to Help You Ground Yourself

If you have PTSD, nothing can be more frightening and exhausting than the constant vigilance of anticipating the next stressful event, whether that be a panic attack, flashback, etc. The stress of it can literally cause you adverse physical symptoms. Beca…

Banishing Anxiety and Reclaiming Your Life

​Over 40 million Americans suffer from some degree of anxiety, making these disorders the most common mental illness in the United States. Anxiety can manifest itself in a number of ways; while some people feel crippled by constant panic attacks and an in…

3 Ways to Help Someone Who Experiences Anxiety Attacks

Understanding how to help someone who suffers from anxiety attacks can be difficult if you've never personally experienced one. Anxiety attacks are not only scary for the person experiencing them, but also for the people around them who aren't sure how to…