PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) was originally thought to be only a disorder effecting veterans. However, today it is widely acknowledged that PTSD can effect anyone who has experienced a life event which contained violence or the threat of violence…
and learn to acclimate to stressful events. PTSD therapy techniques vary but what they all have in
PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is a condition caused by exposure to a traumatic event. Many people believe that PTSD can only happen to soldiers as they experience wartime atrocities. This is not true. Any trauma can cause this condition, from w…
Now you can't diagnose yourself with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), that should be done by a professional. Being able to recognize you have symptoms that can indicate you may suffer from PTSD is the first step to getting the help you need.
PTSD Therapy can be extremely daunting. You may be unsure where to start when you are already dealing with the stress of past trauma. We provide individual and family therapy in Fresno, Kingsburg, Oakhurst, and Visalia California, including PTSD therapy. …
PTSD Therapy can be extremely daunting. You may be unsure… including PTSD therapy. Therapy can help you overcome some symptom… or general fear. The steps to getting into PTSD therapy are simple enough and can be followed thro
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is caused by a variety of life experiences, from childhood abuse to war. All of the potential causes of PTSD, however, share an important psychological similarity: they trigger the memory of past events. There are many ways …
R is one of the best available types of PTSD therapy. EMDR is a very unique form of PTS… balanced way during everyday life. PTSD therapy